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Вх╕д в InfoStream Online

InfoStream Online





 InfoStream Client: пошук в online, персональн╕ ╕нформац╕йн╕ канали по email, рейтинги, тематичн╕ об╕рки, зв╕ти

 InfoStream Archive ретроспективний информац╕йний фонд, накопичений з 2000 року

 InfoStream Port
автономна програмно-апаратна платформа дял роботи з пошуковими запитами через власний користувацький ╕нтерфейс

UA Port - найповн╕ша новинна стр╕чка, побудована на InfoStream

Електронн╕ в╕ст╕ - огляд под╕й дня, новинний ресурс

UA Media - арх╕в матер╕ал╕в укра╖нських ЗМ╤

RSS feeds - тематичн╕ RSS-стр╕чки, побудован╕ InfoStream


Information Technology - System - Services

There are plenty of routine tasks charged to the information departments, PR agencies, press-services of modern companies, banks, publishing houses or state bodies. One of them is to continuously day-to-day monitor wide information field to perform:

  • current events analysis;

  • market conditions, development and trends;

  • forecast, assessment, and detection of potential risks sources;

  • loan and investment risks assessment;

  • detection of conflict and critical situations in sphere of influence;

  • competitive intelligence;

  • potential clients search.


In the ElVisti Information Center, we developed the news monitoring system InfoStream. which retrieves over 80 000 news articles daily, from more than 5 000 Internet sources, and helps to process and generalise them. InfoStream. is designed for retrieve the news information from the web sites (the information on subject matters concerning the user), efficient delivery of search results, provision of concurrent access in search mode to information from a variety of Web sites, semantic processing, and, as a result, minimisation of user's efforts aimed at elimination of doubling information and sifting of information noise.

InfoStream® provides:

  • access to the most urgent information from the sole interface (on a real-time mode) in a search mode, with an allowance for possible duplication and semantic proximity of documents, language versions, documents sizes etc;

  • access to the unique retrospective corpus, surpassing 100 million database records;

  • analytical activity support in a real-time mode: information sujet chains, digests composition, construction of diagrams of occurrence frequency and phenomena interrelations tables, media ratings.

The core of the InfoStream.s content engine based on retrieval system InfoReS. The system provides information processing in three basic modes:

  • selective information distribution (SID);

  • interactive access to fulltext databases;

  • content monitoring.

InfoStream Technology Components

The SID mode is used in two basic processes: information search by previously stored users inquiries, and classification of information coming into the system.

The interactive access mode is offered as a service for corporate clients. This mode is based on several technological and programming solutions regarding creation of databases with documents received from the Internet and providing access to them. Users are provided with an advanced search function. Search results include document headers, annotations, details and hyper-linked reference to the source page in the Web.

Perspective trend of the InfoStream development today is content monitoring, i.e. decision-making engine, capable to form thematic information channels, digests, phenomena interrelations tables and histograms of separate phenomena distribution.

In comparison with traditional technologies, implementation of InfoStream. provides following advantages:

  • fast access to the most urgent information as it appears in the Internet;

  • a controllable set of information sources;

  • conveniently organized jobs in information space, timely provided with relevant information;

  • more efficient work of employees due to minimizing distracting factors inherent to the Web space;

  • the ability to control the flow of information coming into the corporate network;

  • reliable delivery of the news information;

  • privacy and protection of the information which could be used disclose sphere of corporate interests.

Today more than 1000 corporate clients, among which there are state bodies, associations, banks, embassies, corporations, institutes, and political parties, use solutions and services based on InfoStream..

The news monitoring system InfoStream. is an essential element for making decisions in management. Since the time of it.s first release in 2001, InfoStream. has become widely popular and has earned a loyal client base in Ukrainan market. We continue to improve the system to meet the growing requirements of customers regarding information search and effective analysis of search results.

Professional usage of great potential of InfoStream. available for it.s users provides brand new possibilities for research and information work in different activities from politics, macroeconomics, mass media and banking . to human resource management.

Power Point Presentation Presentation 275 KB

╤нформа╕йний центр "Електронн╕ в╕ст╕" | ElVisti Information Center
Адреса: 02125, м.Ки╖в, вул. В╕тал╕я Шимановського, 2/1
Телефон/факс: +380 (44) 239-90-91 E-mail: